Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gun Control And Gun Violence - 1054 Words

Gun control generally refers to policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms (Wikipedia). This is an important definition for citizens, lawmakers, and gun lobbyists to follow over the debate on gun control. As well as the Second Amendment in the constitution which states, â€Å"The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed†. There has been a debate on whether that specifies within the home or outside of the home. For more than a century, gun control has been a considerable topic amongst the groups of citizens, lawmakers, and gun lobbyist due to reoccurring gun violence issues spreading across the United States. Every year an average of 32,514 people die from gun violence. According to The Brady Campaign (Gun violence prevention campaign), in 2015, 108,476 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, or by police intervention (Brady Campaign). In these incidents, handguns are known to be the top firearms used and owned (Brady Campaign).Now we focus on how to control it and where gun control laws are headed. Democrats believe the state and federal laws don’t do enough to protect citizens from the loss of a life. Republicans support â€Å"the right to bear arms† for citizens to defend themselves, and the National Rifle Association believe the current law should be enforced more aggressively. Overall the debate boils down to who should have possession ofShow MoreRelatedGun Control And Gun Violence1172 Words   |  5 Pagespeople depart from this earth due to gun violence in the US every day. From school children, to victims of domestic violence, to people going about their daily lives, this status quo is unacceptable. On Tuesday January 5th, 2016 President Obama announced that he would send proposals on reducing gun violence in America to Congress. His spokesman, Jay Carney, mentioned that this is â€Å"a com plex problem that will require a complex solution.† The ability to own a gun is considered by some a birthright ofRead MoreGun Violence And Gun Control726 Words   |  3 PagesI have read were â€Å"Connecticut School Shooting ‘An Attack on America’† by Ted Anthony and â€Å"The Price of Gun Control by Dan Baum. All around I believe these articles were both very interesting and both took different perspectives on the issues of guns in America. Both Anthony and Baum illustrated the different problems that we have in America and our communities with gun control and gun violence. But, they both brought the text together to relate it on a personal level. I enjoyed reading both textsRead MoreGun Violence And Gun Control1007 Words   |  5 Pagesshootings and various other methods of gun violence, tens of thousands of people die every year. These gun-related deaths primarily originate from murder and children accidentally shooting themselves. Although those i n favor of gun control tend to believe that guns should be terminated completely, the second amendment prevents lawmakers from being able to do so. Therefore, in order to combat these causes, alternative gun control solutions must be made for each one. Gun-related murders can be decreasedRead MoreGun Control And Gun Violence1226 Words   |  5 PagesViolence is everywhere in the world. In every country, city, town and village there is some form of violence. In my lifetime, there have been countless deaths and injuries due to gun violence. We happen to live in a country where gun violence is among the most prevalent in the world: The United States of America. Today, gun control and gun violence has become a controversial issue in America. The issue for gun control has been debated for a long time, probably ever since they were invented. It isRead MoreGun Violence And Gun Control1406 Words   |  6 Pages Gun violence in America is a huge topic of discussion. Many people have heard about this topic on the news or in the newspaper, but have very little knowledge on this ongoing topic. Those who have a lack of information on gun control tend to not feel strongly towards guns or people owning or carrying guns. People that have never been around guns are often scared of them, but the truth is a gun is nothing more than a hunk of metal. For a gun to go off the gun needs a shooter, so should the realRead MoreGun Violence And The Gun Control1253 Words   |  6 PagesGun Violence in America According to CDC, One person is killed by a firearms every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week†(CDC). That means gun violence is out of control, and you can be next. In fact, there s been an increase of mass murders occurring everywhere due to guns. Which has brought our attention to the gun violence in our nation. They say guns are for protection, but in reality there seems to be more murder associated with it. There sRead MoreGun Violence : Gun Control And The Violence Essay1241 Words   |  5 Pagesissue in American society would be gun control and the violence it brings. We live in a time where technology allows news to spread rapidly and every week gun violence crimes seem to be in the news. These crimes start to divide us as a society. â€Å"Each year for the last decade in America, more than 30,000 people have died due to firearms† (Swanson, 2015). From 1968 to 2015, we had about 1.6 million deaths due to firearm related deaths (Swanson, 2015). Gun violence only seems to be getting worse asRead MoreGun Violence And Gun Control Essay1301 Words   |  6 Pagescaused by gun violence this year. This is an alarming statistic, especially when you consider that 354 mass shootings have contributed to the body count. 1952 of these deaths have been labeled accidental, which is almost as startling as the death toll itself. (@GunDeaths) Gun violence is a problem that is not going to go away unless there is action taken to combat it. A lack of gun education, weak gun regulation, and government indifference towards gun violence in the country has allowed gun violenceRead MoreGun Violence And Gun Control1166 Words   |  5 Pagesmany people as the Land of the Free; a Land of Opportunities. There has always been a gun culture in America; however it has also been a gun-control culture. Whenever a devastating mass shooting occurs, such as the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, a deliberation about gun violence follows suit. Depending on whom you discuss this with, that case is not always true. There are those that are for gun control and those that are against. There are also conspiracy theories that claim that the eventsRead MoreGun Control : The Importance Of Gun Violence And Gun Control835 Words   |  4 Pagesmany political, economical, and cultural spheres, gun control politics are a prime exception. In present day America, the controversial topic of gun control necessitated by inhumane acts of gun violence rises to its peak of importance as an increasing number of mass shootings devastate thousands of lugubrious families. These atrocities are incessantly depicted on news channels and in newspapers, horrifying millions of Americans. Regrettably, gun violence has no straightforward solutions, generating two

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Comparing Violence as a Motif in Stranger and Sailor Who...

Violence as a Motif in The Stranger and The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea In The Stranger by Albert Camus, and The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea by Yukio Mishima, violence is an important motif. This paper will attempt to show how comparisons exists in these books which aids the violence motif. Violence is concluded with murder or multiple murders in the above books. In The Stranger, Meursault, an absurd hero, shoots the Arab five times on the beach. He accounts for the scenario by telling the reader: My whole being tensed and I squeezed my hand around the revolver. The trigger gave; I felt the smooth underside of the butt; and there, in that noise, sharp and deafening at the same time, is where it†¦show more content†¦Mishima goes on by stating: â€Å"Noboru swung the kitten high above his head and slammed it at the log. The warm soft thing hurtled through the air in marvelous flight. But the sensation of down between his fingers lingered† (Mishma 58). The kitten did not die on the first attempt and the Chief ordered Noboru to pick up the kitten and throw it against the log one more time. Mishima adds to the detail of the scene by telling the reader â€Å"What Noboru lifted between two fingers now was no longer a kitten† (Mishima 58). On the second impact the defenseless kitten met its fate and died. The victim of the second murder that takes place in the book is Ryuji. Ryuji like Meursault is an absurd hero. His murder occurs near the sea. He is lured to t he murder scene by Noboru. His death was well planed by the Chief and the Gang and occurs when he takes a sip of tea laced with sleeping pills. Comparison of place setting where violence occurs exists in The Stranger and The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea. Meursault kills the Arab on an Algerian beach. For him the beach represented pleasure. He went swimming with Marie the day after his mother’s funeral. Ironically the sea also becomes the backdrop for the murder. He recalls before the murder occurs that â€Å"The sea carried up a thick, fiery breath† (Camus 59). The setting for The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea is the port city of Yokohama, Japan. Ryuji’s murder takes place on an

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Effects of Small Town Wal-Mart Essay Sample free essay sample

Small concern is at the bosom of the economic systems of little towns all over the United States. Yet. large box shops like Wal-Mart and Target are turning progressively popular in these same communities. This is because they are able to supply a broad assortment of goods and services and the lowest monetary values possible. In weaker economic systems. these convenient and thrifty options can assist stretch a family’s billfold and minimise the clip it takes to run a family. However. these benefits come at a cost. Many have argues that Wal-Mart destroys any competition in a little town. destroying little concerns. There are besides statements sing societal and logistic concerns related to holding a Wal-Mart in your town. Most noteworthy to the concerns environing Wal-Mart are the economic concerns. To the mean citizen life comparatively near the Wal-Mart. economic concerns should tip the graduated tables in favour of Wal-Mart. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of Small Town Wal-Mart Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The retail merchant maintains some of the most competitory monetary values on the market. Shops frequently sell a huge assortment of good at deal monetary values. Even if you do non really shop at Wal-Mart. the mere presence of Wal-Mart lowers monetary values in a community. Harmonizing to Wal-Mart. com â€Å"the mean American household saves $ 2. 500 a twelvemonth regardless of where they shop. since Walmart’s presence and leading helps maintain monetary values low. † ( Walmart-Stores. Inc. 2012 ) . It is easy to see how salvaging $ 2. 500 a twelvemonth can look appealing. However. this same thought can do local concern to band against Wal-Mart. Most little concerns already monetary value their goods every bit low as they can and still bring forth a net income. Being forced to monetary value merchandises lower can close down many of these concerns. Additionally. these little shops can non afford to stock the sort of stock list that Wal-Mart maintains. In many countrie s. Wal-Mart has devastated the little concern driven down town. Though Wal-Mart makes it hard for little concerns to last. they are a major employer. In fact. Wal-Mart is the biggest private employer in the United States. Supplying these occupations can truly assist the occupants of a little town and environing towns. Unfortunately. the benefits for working at Wal-Mart are non considered top-notch. Harmonizing to Robert Reich ( 2012 ) â€Å"the mean worker at America’s largest employer makes merely $ 8. 81 an hour† . Additionally. they pay on mean 27 % less on benefits so the mean American corporation. They besides take a strong base against the brotherhood. This is a major blow against brotherhoods and concerns that belong to brotherhoods. When such a major force comes into a community and takes a base against brotherhoods. the brotherhoods may crumple all together. This place has caused a batch of picketing outside Wal-Mart shops. Extra concerns around Wal-Mart root from logistical inside informations. Wal-Mart generates a batch of traffic. While big communities can manage this traffic. a little town might go engorged. Many Wal-Marts have been crushed before they began over something every bit simple as a bend lane or halt visible radiation. They besides attract an array of clients that otherwise would non halt in many of these little towns. This can be good if these clients shop at other shops around town. However. if these clients are of the unscrupulous sort. Wal-Mart may be a hurt to little town safety. Construction of a shop the size of Wal-Mart is frequently a major project. It requires a serious committedness to even acquire the shop off the land. Finding the infinite can ensue in the supplanting of unwilling parties. Some locations have been protested because of the location. whether historical land or the shop merely created an eyesore. Of class. Wal-Mart protagonists might state that many shops impro ve the usage of land they were built on. Ultimately. the value of Wal-Mart comes down to the community it is in. Many little towns have thrived after the reaching of Wal-Mart. and many have degraded. It is no inquiry that Wal-Mart is one of the most popular and controversial shops in the United States. However. if it is right for your town must be a affair of great argument and consideration. Mentions Walmart-Stores Inc. ( 2012 ) . Shoppers Spending $ 100 a Week Could Save AnAverage $ 700+ A Year on Similar Packaged Groceries at Walmart. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //news. walmart. com/news-archive/2008/09/12/shoppers-spending-100-a-week-could-save-an-average-700-a-year-on-similar-packaged-groceries-at-walmart. Reich. R. ( 2012 ) . Why You Shouldn’t Shop at Wal-Mart on Friday. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //prospect. org/article/why-you-shouldnt-shop-wal-mart-friday.